Monday, December 11, 2006

Life : A series of Coincidences

My life seems to have become a never ending series of coincidences.......... every new turn that I take in my life seems to take me right back to some long forgotten juncture!!! I seem to keep going around in circles, each more intricate than the last.......... Just last night I finally decided to approach a girl who had visited my Orkut profile a couple of days back cause her name sounded familiar, and the next thing I know................. she is a classmate from one of my old schools, who just happens to have been on the friend list of a cousin whom I haven't quite met over the past 8 years!!!
Another of these incidents occurred when I was reminiscing about times past a couple of days ago, that's when one of my old friends just sort of popped up...................... I mean its amazing!!! The things that occur just sort of zap me into this tornado of old memories at times.............. Memories that tend to linger on long after the tornado's come and gone!!! A tornado because what they leave behind are often sweet memories that leave a bitter - sweet taste in the mouth......

1 comment:

  1. man u r an interestin writer!! yea coincidences do happen, nd sumtimes stuff makes u think wat d ***k!! memories r sweet only, its jus dat d fact dat due to sum reason u cudnt hav more of dose... kind of dus leave a bittersweet taste... happens wid me coz i end up thinkin wat went wrong, or were dose des went widout sayin gudbye... shitty it is man... bittersweet hell yes!! i do relate t dis one - im sure everyone dus...
